Sunday, May 23, 2010

Radiohead addiction

I'm going to do something different; share all of my favourite songs from the fantastic band Radiohead. Since I have nothing else to do, I'm not tired and I'm free from school tomorrow, then I thought it would be a good idea.

Okay, so here's my list. Click on the names to hear the songs on YouTube!

1. Karma Police
2. Pyramid Song
3. Fog (Again)
4. High And Dry
5. Videotape
6. Creep (Acoustic)
7. Electioneering
8. Packt Like Sardines In A Crushd Tin Box
9. Airbag

Beautiful songs, all of them. Thanks to someone on YouTube who made fantastic covers on "Videotape" and "Pyramid Song", I learned to love this band. Love them 'til I die. It's like Metallica. And oh, by the way - I can post my favourite Metallica songs next time. Sounds good? Great. Talk to you then.

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