I'm confused.
Really confused.
I mean... I think I feel something very small for someone in my class. I don't want to, though he's really a great guy. Fun, goodlooking, kind. Not that we have so much in common, but still.
Thing is, it's... impossible. It just is. First, I swore to myself last year that I would never date someone in my own class again. My two latest relationships (also the longest, weird) were with two guys who were in my class. I realised that you get tired of each other really fast. You see each other in school five days a week, then you see each other after school also. And sometimes on weekends.
That's why I'm trying to block it all out. But it doesn't work that well, actually I think this is giving the opposite effect. Also I think he doesn't really like me that much. At all. Like the others in my class. Nobody seems to really like me there. I thought I had it better in my new school, and in some ways I do. Better grades, better teachers and such. But I at least had friends in my previous class. Now I don't. People like to shut me out in this one.
Anyway. So... that's what's on my mind right now. And always. Can't stop thinking about this guy. That's what scares me, really. I don't want it, yet it can't seem to stop. Ironic, huh?
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