Monday, March 29, 2010

Zero respect

If there's one thing that I can't understand, it's why people need to make out in public.
Why do we have to see that you two are a happy couple? Okay - congratulations, good luck and all of that. But... please, show some respect? And mostly to the kids, pointing at the kissing couple asking their mum "Mum, why are they doing that? Is he hurting her?" ... well, you never know if they're five, ten or three years old.

People doesn't seem to have that much of respect for others these days. Where did the respect go, really? Out the window, never came back and was happy to leave, I guess.
I remember the couple that made a great controversy in Stockholm a few years ago. I don't know if you've heard about this place called Sergels torg, but anyway that's where a couple; a man and a woman, carried out a bed, crawled under the cover and had sex. Yeah. Really.

It was all over the news the next day and the man and woman were charged for disrupting order in public. Their excuse was that they were protesting for the right of owning an apartment or a house in general, without any special demands. Excuse me, but I think they chose the wrong way of getting their voices heard. Am I right or wrong?

Well, that's what I needed to say. I need to get some sleep soon, if I'm going to be able to get up by seven tomorrow morning. Yeah, I need to get back to school and make it clear for my teachers that I am done with my work and that I was given a easter break by the previous Friday. Apparently, some teachers didn't get that. So that's what my plans are for tomorrow. How about yours?
Good night, sleep tight!

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